How to Apply

(Applications accepted January 1st through MARCH 31st each year)

Eligibility Requirements (7 of the 9 are needed to be eligible)

  1. Exceptional drug awareness raised by applicant

  2. Applicant has been personally impacted by substance abuse in their home

  3. Applicant has a financial need

  4. Minimum 2.5 GPA maintained

  5. Applicant takes the time to read Amanda’s Story and comment on its impact

  6. Declared major in Social Services, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Education, or Medical fields of study (i.e. medicine, pre-med, nursing, etc.)

  7. Applicant must be attending a 2-4 year accredited college

  8. Applicant must sign a release form to have first and last name listed as recipient on the website

  9. Letter of recommendation

This process will allow new applicants to apply for one of ten $2,000 scholarships each year.

All application materials must be submitted by March 31 to be considered. Selections will be made by the end of April. This will be our final scholarship season.

Scholarships will be applied to the student’s account once their registration is complete and a copy of the schedule is emailed to The $2,000 will be applied as $1,000 per semester for the school year.

Please note: Money awarded can only be applied to tuition. If awarded, scholarship checks will be mailed directly to the Bursar’s office at your college or university.